As a community-based organisation which was and continues to be built on the ethos of co-operation and community spirit, representatives from Tullamore Credit Union Ltd , which included Fra Mollen, Chairperson and Caroline Collins, Member Services Development Manager were delighted to meet with Deirdre Cahir, Project Leader, Barnardos to present a cheque for €3,000 on behalf of our members.
Deirdre explained that Barnardos staff are working in line with HSE guidelines regarding the Coronavirus and that there is ongoing family support happening behind closed doors and at the end of the phone. Barnardos is based in the Arden View Resource Centre Tullamore, staff are available behind closed doors from 9am to 5pm daily and can be reached by calling 057 93 26803. Staff can offer a variety of supports to children and their families, including information, advice and a listening ear.